Monday, February 11, 2008

Why do People do This to Their Children?

I strongly believe there should be rules for what people can name their children. It is a shame to me that parents would do such a horrible thing to their child as to give them a name that they have to live with the rest of their lives to be unique or different. Leave that up to the child as they grow up. Now granted I have heard my fair share, I grew up with a mother who taught in the Portsmouth and Norfolk school system my whole life and she came across some names but they seem to only get worse as I get older. Let me give you some examples so you know just what I am talking about............

Orangejello and Lemonjello were some of the first I heard, yes it looks like orange jello and lemon jello but they would be pronounced (or-ang-ello and la-mon-gello)

Then of course there was Precious Flower and Jovian Laurel, as if her mother was shopping in her makeup bag as she chose her name.

There was also Syphillis (so-phyllis) its only spelled like the STD not pronounced as though.

Then I got a call a few months ago the name was SHADE yes I know shade like lamp only it was said (sha-day) you can't be serious.

There was also Female........said (fem-alley)

or Yvonne that would be (Y-VON-E) not yvonne like you may have thought.

Recently my mom told me a story about a friend who works at the early education center and a woman came in to register her children who's names were yourhynese, hishynese and herhynese. I almost died.

But today no doubt topped the cake. I took a new patient call at work and the poor child was 6 his name is Qweschun...............stumped yet? Yeah that would be pronounced question.


I just don't understand can anyone explain it to me please. It is or to be original but not at your childs expense please people. I would love a good laugh if you have or know some to add please comment me.

1 comment:

I am, Kevin Meynardie said...

WTF...are we the most ignorant country on the planet..i think so