Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How much is too much?

Have you ever missed someone so much it hurts?

Sometimes distance feels like the hardest thing to me, but I go on because I have to not always because I want to. Of course we have all missed someone at some time, but can you miss someone too much?

You miss your friends when they go away to college, you miss your family when they live away from where you are, you miss loved ones when they pass or maybe there are other circumstances for why you miss someone.

Sometimes the loneliness of not having your loved one there can be the hardest thing imaginable but you push on. I suppose I'll get a little personal today just because matters of the heart are what's on my mind. I guess I'm missing someone pretty badly and that is what has inspired this entry. Sometimes time and distance get the best of me however I try not to let it get me down. Some days are harder than others. I've always felt it cliche to say someone completes me because I'm a firm believer that no one completes another being, but when he's gone I feel a piece of me is gone too, so I guess maybe he does complete me.

When you find someone you can relate to who knows you inside and out who can speak the words you are thinking without you saying anything at all. The one you can confide in about anything at anytime and know you won't be judged or labeled for being who you are. I am so fortunate to have found him and even more fortunate to have establish the deepest understand that two people could have for one another. I feel truly blessed. Today I'm missing him more than usual maybe because it has been longer than usual since I've seen him I'm not really sure why I feel this way. I know though that we have the type of relationship where we can be apart for months and pick up as if we were together yesterday. I really cherish that.

Sometimes people cross our paths in the weirdest of ways but the friendships and relationships that come from those circumstances sometimes are the best relationships of your life. For me this holds true. I'm very grateful for him and everything I share with him. I'm really missing him today but that is nothing new I miss him everyday I'm not with him and as soon as I leave him. I'll push on today and tomorrow too because I know the bond we have with one another can't be broken by distance.

Officially Missing You

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