Tuesday, November 27, 2007

It's Only Tuesday People

Wow!!! It's only Tuesday and I just came back from 4 days off but I feel like I've been back to work for days. Despite the fact that the minutes are dragging by I can say I don't love my job so much today. Have you ever had someone come to your job or place of employment and try to educate you on your job? As if they were so qualified they should be doing it for you. I work in a dentist office for those who don't know and as any job with the public we get some characters. Someone who always thinks they know a little more than you. I had someone today try to convince me that their insurance doesn't work the same way as the rest of America's dental insurance does. Now I've been doing this job for quite some time and I must say dental insurance has ALWAYS worked the same way. After explaining for 45 minutes the same thing 5 different ways, I advised the patient to call her insurance company. ARGGG

Aggravated does not even begin to describe what I felt. Now I get this everyday, "that's free with my insurance", "I get 2 free cleanings a year", "what do you mean that's not covered at 100%". Let me educate some of you on dental insurance, it's not free first off, somewhere someone either you or your employer is paying for it, 2nd, nothing is free, incase you were unaware. I understand that the mouth is not as important to some as it is others but when you don't see a dentist for half your life chances are your toothache is not going to be a cheap fix. Even if you have seen a dentist it still isn't going to be a cheap fix.

Don't get me wrong I sympathize with some of these people I do, to be in pain is not a fun thing, but when you come in my office with a $400 handbag and your $200 hair highlights, fresh nails, or clothes that cost more than my car payment and then tell me how bad you hurt. I tell you the procedure is $850 and your insurance company pays all but $80 and you look at me like I'm crazy how bad does your tooth really hurt? There are a lot of patients who have good jobs that just don't offer dental insurance so be thankful your copay is only $80 and not $850. When I think how many times a day I hear that's too much I cringe, how much is too much when it comes to keeping your teeth? That Coach bag wasn't too much but a root canal is? Where is the logic in that? The other one that gets me is when a patient gets the work done then says oh I didn't know I was going to have to pay today. When you grocery shop do you get to the counter and say that, or do you say I only have $50 when your total is $150 and the cashier says that 's OK bring back the rest next time? No you would get $50 worth of groceries. Maybe I'm over reacting I agree the dentist isn't cheap, but your smile should be priceless you!

Sorry had to vent. Hope everyone is having a great day. I'm better now. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Preach it Girl!!!