Monday, November 26, 2007

Lesson Learned

Ok so I'm new to the whole blogging world. I told myself I'd never do this but here I am. I must admit from time to time I blog on my myspace but who really reads those things. For entertainment purposes and a relief of stress it may be healthy for me to let my thoughts out. I never thought I'd be the one to air my business on a worldwide forum but hey it happens. I don't know where to start so I guess I'll start with today, as I rushed to get ready this morning (being as it was the Monday following a LONG holiday weekend) my time schedule is out of whack, it's time to get back into the swing of things it dawns on me what an idiot I was yesterday. Let me share my story with you. I'm not usually the type of person to purchase something then take it home and realize I don't want it anymore. I normally ponder that decision before make the purchase, however I guess you could say this weekend I made an impulse buy, it was only a purse but still if you know me you know I need another purse like I need another pair of shoes. It was really cute so I had to have it or so I thought. I took it home only to find what I already knew it was too small to hold the plethora of things I carry. After trying to cram everything I own in it, it was inevitable it just wouldn't work. So I took my things out reinserted the trash bag worth of paper, (that made me think the purse was much larger than it was) and returned it to the store . So today as I'm getting ready for work I realize not only did I return the purse but I also returned everything I had put in the inside pocket. At this time I frantically panic, the contents of that pocket were extremely important lets just say. So I rush to the store crossing my fingers and hoping that the purse will still be there. It was a cute purse the only one left I might add and I knew it was a shot in the dark to believe that my belongings would still be in it. As I race through the door of the store at 8:45 am knowing I have to be at work in 15 minutes and praying still that I'll find what I came for I have to decide do I go to customer service and waste my time explaining or do I just go check and see if the purse is back on the shelf, I pick the shelf as I make my way I see it, could it really be the one I returned, I open it to find all of my things just where I left them. I learned to valuable lessons today never put everything in a purse you're unsure of and Target doesn't check it's returns before they restock the shelves. Either way I'm thankful I found what I was looking for, and more grateful that I wasn't accused of stealing my own belongings back.


Gidget said...

Oh my gosh! You are so lucky the stuff was still in there.
Welcome to blogdom.
Enjoy spilling your thought to the world.
It's like free therapy.

I am, Kevin Meynardie said...

Very funny story. I enjoyed it! I probably would have taken it to customer service and explained cause knowin my luck the rent-a-cop would have accused me of stealing my own junk.

Anonymous said...

That is funny...I could only imagine what you had in the pocket of that purse.