Wednesday, December 12, 2007

It's Beginning to Feel a lot like.....SUMMER

So it's December 12th and it feels more like June 12th outside. I'm hoping maybe this means by the time Christmas comes a cold front will have come in and maybe just possibly we will have snow for the first Christmas in a LONG time. I always loved Christmas as a child, but as I have gotten older I just don't get in the spirit as much as I used to. I guess maybe because it comes so fast and then it's over before we know it. The stores start with Christmas decorations before Halloween has even passed and it kind of just ruins my Christmas spirit. Not only that but the more times I tell someone I hope they have a Merry Christmas I get a response that they don't celebrate Christmas. Does anyone know how to tell if someone celebrates Christmas, if so I'd really like for you share it with me. I always felt you should say Merry Christmas if that is what you celebrate, but maybe I'm wrong. The other day I thought I'd play it safe and say happy holidays and the lady told me "you don't say happy holidays you say Merry Christmas." So the next go around I said Merry Christmas and the response I got was "I don't celebrate Christmas I'm a Jehovah's Witness." I just can't win. I guess I may need to stick to happy holidays. Either way I'm ready for it to be here or should I say as ready as I'm going to be.

In the spirit of Christmas I will say I do enjoy the Christmas lights that is one of my favorite parts of the holiday season. Ever since I was young I always hated the big bulbed lights I always thought they were so damn tacky. I guess its a personal issue. I realized a few years ago what I hate more than the big bulbed lights are the blue lights. If you are going for the after hours night club effect by all means hang on, but when did blue represent Christmas. Now maybe they were designed for Hanukkah since it seems to me blue is the signature color to represent that, but aren't they called "Christmas" lights? If so that blows that whole theory out the window. Now what's even worse than the blue lights are the blue flashing lights. As if you didn't draw enough attention to your house with the blue lights the flashing is just unnecessary. If I wanted to look at blue flashing lights I'd take myself down to the block in the middle of the summer and watch all the idiots that get pulled over. Here I go with my pet peeves again. I'm done ranting for now. So Merry Christmas, and if you have blue lights hanging outside your house shame on you, next year invest in some new lights preferable in white or multi-color.

FYI too many lights are unnecessary also, please see photo for details:

I apologize in advance if I offended anyone in the making of this blog. I'm telling you what others won't sorry I'm honest. If it makes you feel any better you are not alone there are 4 houses with in one block of mine with blue and/or big bulbed lights.

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