Wednesday, December 5, 2007

What Annoys You?

So we all have our pet peeves, annoyances, what are some of yours? I'll give you a list of the things that bother/annoy me maybe we have some in common. What annoys me more than anything and trust me there is a lot I'm sure I won't come up with them all right now but here is what I have so far:

When you allow someone to merge into your lane or out in front of you and they don't acknowledge it as if it were owed to them.

When you are sitting in traffic and a lane is merging not suddenly but a mile and a half ahead and that one car speeds up in the final moments to try in cut you off to gain what a few car links of traffic.

People who chew with their mouths open.

Rush Hour.

Virginia drivers in the rain, snow, sleet, etc.

People who can't tell the truth if their life depended on it.

Wrong numbers in the middle of the night.

TELEMARKETERS on my cell phone when my numbers on the do not call list (although I should sympathize because I did that for a while in high school and college)

Impatient people

People who never make it ANYWHERE on time.

Part time friends

The fact that more and more children don't understand the meaning behind Christmas because they think it's just about presents and Santa Claus.

People who can't talk on the phone and drive at the same time, stay off the phone if you can't multitask safely.

Fathers/Mothers who don't take care of their children.

My Deadbeat dad

People who try to push their views and beliefs on you.

People who come from nothing and don't make an attempt to better themselves.

People who think it's OK to collect a check and not work.

People who fraud the welfare system.

A thief

Crooked cops/police who take the power to their head.

VDOT and all the road construction they take 20 years to complete.

The fact that pretty soon Hampton Roads won't have a tree left if we keep building like we are.

People who think the world owes them something.

Children who disrespect their parents.

Spoiled snoody acting rich kids, because that's how their parents act and they learn from example.

Men who think a woman's role is in the kitchen, and women who agree with that.


People who change who they are in front of other people.

Drunken idiots.

Cheap tippers-I've never even waited tables but I am a firm believer that you tip well if you can't afford to tip eat at home.

People who confirm their dentist appointment and still don't show up.

People who don't value others time.

Pop-up ads on the Internet.

The price of Gas.

Men who disrespect women.

Women who keep their kids from their fathers when they want to be a part of their child's life. Or women who use their children as pawns like its a game of chess.

Spongebob Squarepants-Only because no matter what time of day we turn to cartoons for the kids at work it is ALWAYS on.

Our justice system. That money buys freedom and people who kill get less time than people who steal.

People who talk politics but don't vote.

When someone says they'll call back and don't.

That the Hills ends at the good part every episode.

Cigarette smoke.

Ok I think I've gone on long enough now give me some of yours what really annoys the living daylights out of you? If anymore come to mind I will be sure to post somemore.

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