Friday, December 7, 2007

What Would They Do Without Me

Well it's almost 2:30 AM and I can't sleep so what better to do than write. Right? So as I sit here reflecting on my day I can't help but laugh. I took the day off not called in or anything I submitted my day off request about 3 months ago for today is it was approved and so everything was set. I had a friend going through some things and she had asked me to be there for her today, needless to say she recently got a new boyfriend and along the way has apparently forgot about the friends she had before then. So I guess she really didn't need me after all. If you know my job then you know for the past year we have been under staffed and taking a day off was pretty much out of the question. Now I have always considered myself a hard worker I go to work every day no questions asked. I even got really sick twice this year and still went in because I knew they needed me there. So today I figured since I had gotten the day approved even though I wasn't going with my friend I just take it. We all need a break from time to time so I thought what the heck. Well I made it till about 3 PM before work called. The needed me to come in. Go figure. My co-worker called the conversation went as follows....."Kristin I need you to come in we have a patient that needs a treatment plan and it can't wait till tomorrow she needs it now cause she needs to make a decision by Monday on if she wants to do the treatment." Puzzled at this point I'm thinking to myself she needs to make a decision by Monday but it can't wait till tomorrow. So I say " You can't put the treatment plan in the computer?" she responds "I don't know how." Mind you she was doing the treatment plans before I started working there but she doesn't know how today. I realize it isn't worth arguing over so I tell them give me 20 minutes and I'll be there. I get to work as I walk in I hear that the phone is on hold go figure something else they need me to handle. I take care of the phone I put in the treatment plan, then they come to the front and ask can I call and order them some lunch. Really I got called in on my day off to order lunch? Hell no I can't order your lunch are your fingers broken, do you not know how to dial a phone today either? Now don't get me wrong I love the girls I work with to death but I was a little put out by this point. They can't be serious. As I finally make my way to my desk I look up to find an army of post it notes plastered all around apparently nobody knew how to do anything today. Every note was something I needed to handle. Some as simple as changing the spelling on someones last name in the computer. What the hell. I know I can look at this situation two ways, one its job security I know they need me there which is a good thing, or two I can be mad. I guess in a sense I was a little put out by the fact I had to go in on my day off I mean it's called a vacation day for a reason right? I'm over it now I stepped up to my responsibility but I can't help but wonder what would they do without me?


I am, Kevin Meynardie said...

Note to self...never, neveR, nevER, neVER, nEVER, NEVER,...did i say NEVER?...oh EVER either...NEVER EVER answer your phone on your day off...

Anonymous said...

I know how they feel...What in the world would I do without you!!!! You were there along with Chablis in the hardest thing I ever had to deal with. Thanks for being YOU!!!!